Last week we launched the Social Housing Green Paper, a document designed to kick start a better national conversation about the place of social housing in our society. Its origins lie in the terrible Grenfell Tower fire, when it became clear that the status and future of those living in social housing was very far from what we would wish it to be. Tenants told us they felt stigmatised and ignored, offered second class service by their landlords, and that they lacked the power to do anything effective about their problems. You can hear one of my interviews on it down below, and find a copy of the paper itself on the link below too. Essentially we want to make progress on five key themes:
1. Tackling stigma and celebrating thriving communities
2. Expanding supply and supporting home ownership
3. Effective resolution of complaints
4. Empowering residents and strengthening the regulator
5. Ensuring homes are safe and decent
We want to hear your views so please do read the document and take part in this big national conversation – we are open to submissions until 8th November.
Document here:
Radio interview here: